Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

April 6, 2021

Looking for Vaccine Sites With ASL Interpretation?

Check out this list of NJ “mega sites” which offer accommodations for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Emotional Support for Those Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Hard of Hearing, who are captioned-phone users, may call the NJ Mental Health Association. 1-866-202-4357 and TTY is 877-294-4356.

If the person has coronavirus and hearing loss intertwined, please call ACCESS at 973-754-5595 MON – FRI | 9AM – 5PM

Liz Hill, Director of NJDDHH, noted that most online websites have a chatbox feature you can type communicating with their service providers.

If you have found a local therapist using a virtual service for a long-term therapeutic treatment and would like to have a captioning service, you can contact NJDDHH to coordinate with a captionist.

To request counseling services in ASL, you may email to The director will assess needs and forward it to the appropriate counselor or therapist at ACCESS.

March 23, 2020

Career Pathway Connections ASL Update

Paper COVID-19 Communication Printout

Covid-19 communication card for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Print out and circle what applies

For additional resources regarding ASL interpretation, resources, and other D/HH info, check out

What you need to know about COVID-19

Facts about COVID-19

ASL interpreted State Office Updates can be found below:

March 19, 2020

March 18, 2020

March 17, 2020

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