Page 4 - Success Story Newsletter 2019 E3
P. 4

The Fruits of our Labor

          Welcome to the Sayreville Day Program garden!

         This is where our staff and program participants plant beautiful vegetables and flowers. Easterseals
         direct support professional, Elizabeth Ciancia, gathers her group of fellow green thumbs to tend the
         garden together. Program participants also decide on what will be planted and shop for the seeds.
         You see, this is more than just a garden, it’s an opportunity for our participants to engage in a relaxing
         social activity with friends while learning about horticulture in the process. Each tomato or daisy
         planted becomes a lesson in patience, planning, and how to enjoy the “fruits” of your labor. Though
         the weeding and digging may be difficult, there’s nothing quite like seeing beautiful fresh flowers and
         vegetables to make it all feel worth it. There is just one tiny little concern though, because when we
         arrive to program on Monday, we noticed a cute little groundhog has identified our garden as his next
         home. Stay away Mr. Groundhog, you've been warned!

                                                            - Mary Bori, Senior Direct Support Professional | Sayerville
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