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and be self-sufficient. I never considered my hearing loss a disability and refused to treat it as such.

Creating New Pathways

Being independent and strong willed, I decided to take a chance with my life. I wanted to take on a challenge. I made the
unpopular decision amongst my friends to not attend Rochester University, which has a specialized deaf program for
college students, but instead chose to attend New Jersey City University and pursue a degree in Graphic Design. This
was very different than what I was used to. I had an interpreter that went with me to all my classes. I will be honest, I
struggled in my first year. I almost gave up so many times as I was convinced I was not going to make it. I refused to
give in. I knew I had the ability to succeed and refused to accept defeat. After all the tears, stress, and frustration, I finally
crossed the finish line. I graduated New Jersey City University with cum laude magna and a 3.8 GPA.

What happens next? Shortly after graduation, I landed a few
part time jobs in graphic design. Was it easy? Absolutely not!
When employers learned I was deaf, they doubted my skills and
ability to communicate effectively and get the job done. I was
denied from so many jobs during the few years that followed
my graduation. Unfortunately, most positions were in need of
phone communications, something which was not possible for
me. While the employers could not list that as a reason for not
choosing me, it was pretty obvious. Yes, it was a little harder for
me to even communicate with my co-workers, but I always made
it work by asking questions and finding alternate communication
methods like email.

Paying it Forward

How did I become a job coach for Easterseals you ask? After a
few years of part-time and freelance graphic design jobs, I craved
a full-time job. I wanted to be in a position to help people. I was
fortunate to come across the job coach position and ultimately
was given the wonderful opportunity to be a job coach for the
deaf and hard of hearing. Why not take my own experience,
challenges, and obstacles to help our clients overcome the
burden of fitting in the workforce?

I absolutely love helping my clients through their journey and we
do it together. They are comforted knowing they are not alone
and knowing that just like them, I struggled too. I take my story
and tell them that there are endless possibilities. If I can do it, so
can they! When I see the smile on my client's faces after they
secure a job, it is beyond rewarding. In a little over a year, I am
proud to say I have helped 15 clients secure employment. Nine
of the clients are hearing but live with other disabilities while four
clients are deaf and two are hard of hearing.

Job coaching at Easterseals is more than a job for me, it has           Pictured above: Lauren Mackiewicz
become a mission. In my free time, I dedicate my energy and

time towards my clients. I understand their struggles and have

lived their lives to some extent. I cherish their hugs, smiles, and thank you's more than they will ever understand. As a

little girl, I always wondered, “why me?” and I sometimes wonder what would have happened if my grandmother never

called that TV show. But, my life experience to this point has taught me one valuable lesson that I will continue sharing

with my clients: you can’t have dis-ability without the ability - and that is the part that matters.

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