Page 2 - Success Story Newsletter 2019
P. 2

Merry Mary Ann

              “My sister is a changed person at home. She no longer

                          becomes agitated or has mood swings..."

        Mary Ann is a 68-year-old woman diagnosed with an intellectual disability that has lived with her family all of her life.
        Her family reported that she experienced mood swings and would become frustrated at home. About six years ago,
        Mary Ann’s brother, Chris, came to our day program looking for a place for his sister to spend her day and learn social
        skills. Mary Ann was unsure about the idea, but her brother encouraged her to give it a chance. Chris thought this
        would be the best opportunity for Mary Ann to get out and meet people. Mary Ann agreed to give it a shot and was set
        up to attend our program three days a week.

        Mary Ann came in on her first day and everyone introduced themselves. Mary is an honest and open person so she let
        everyone know she was nervous. We were so happy she did, because it allowed us to tailor her experience in a way
        that made her feel comfortable. Everyone, participant and employee alike, went out of their way to make sure Mary
        Ann was included in all the activities that took place that first day. After that, she felt comfortable to go out on trips
        with everyone and got to experience bingo, bowling, volunteering, and walks in the park.

        I spoke with her brother recently to see how the programming has affected Mary Ann. He stated, “My sister is a
        changed person at home.  She no longer becomes agitated or has mood swings. She is happy and talks about the fun
        she has with the friends she made at program.” Chris will be talking to Mary Ann’s support coordinator to have Mary
        Ann increase her time at our program from three days to five days a week since she enjoys it so much. This is a big
        step for Mary Ann. In her own words, “I was very nervous and afraid my first day here. I don’t feel nervous anymore. I
        feel good that I can come here and be with friends, everybody likes me here.” Mary Ann also makes others feel good
        and supports them as well.  It’s a win-win situation all around for everyone involved and we are so happy to be able to
        serve such a lovely person as Mary Ann!

                                                      - Karen Rosenzweig, Day Program Manager | Sayerville Day Program
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