Page 16 - Success Story Newsletter_Winter 2017
P. 16

Congratulations to the Millville

Employees of the Month!

At the Millville Work Center in South Jersey, where over 100 people with disabilities earn an income and
enjoy socialization, teams are incredibly important to keeping the center working at optimal capacity. A
team is only as strong as its members, however, and that’s why Millville selects a single member from
each of its three teams to be Employee of the Month. It’s an opportunity to recognize key performers for
their contributions to the team. Join us in honoring them for their accomplishments!

"I like coming in and learning new   “I love the people here and I love that  "When I came to Easterseals, I was
 skills to work on different jobs.”    they help me and my friends find        shy. Now, I learned new skills that
                                                      jobs.” - Joe            make me feel more confident doing
                - Rodney
                                              TEAM 2                                     new jobs.” - Kevin
        TEAM 1
                                                                                       TEAM 3

Rodney was chosen as                 Our employee of the month is             Kevin was chosen as employee
November's employee of the           none other than our very own,            of the month for maintaining his
month because he has been an         Joe. Joe has always been a great         incredible work performance on
outstanding employee. Rodney's       team player. He never hesitates          a daily basis. Kevin accepts new
positive attitude and willingness    to lend out a helping hand. He           challenges without resistance
to learn allows him to be skilled    always comes into work with a            and always tries his best on
at a variety of jobs. He uses this   positive attitude and a big smile,       every job he is assigned. He
knowledge to volunteer and help      which causes him to have a               never lets his work load affect
out whenever he can. He is an        remarkably beneficial influence          his attitude, which allows him to
asset to the team because of the     on his peers.                            create positive relationships with
patience he demonstrates to his                                               his peers. Way to go Kevin, you
fellow coworkers. On top of it                                                deserve this!
all, he has great attendance and
comes to work on time, every
day! Great job, Rodney!!

- Andrea Forte and Adrien Pender, Skills Coaches (Employment Services, Millville)

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